If we have nice dishes, they are artfully displayed in the china cupboard. If we inherited lovely linens from our grandmother, they are folded in a drawer or a closet. We don't use them.

I picked up a huge box of fine table linens at the flea market--damask tablecloths and matching napkins, all in very good condition, and ended up paying less than a $1 a piece for each item. We don't want them.

So I ask, rhetorically and otherwise, why not? Why don't we use them? Why don't we want them? The answer is usually something like, "They're too nice to use!" "It's too much trouble!"

Well, I'm here to say, "Use them! That's what they're for!" Who deserves to use and enjoy fine things more than we do? What is accomplished by having them sit, gathering dust and tarnish, in a closet or drawer? If you're preserving them for your children, they won't want them if they have no memories of having used them. If they get stained, what has been lost? At least you will have enjoyed them and the nice table you set.
At the very least, try some lovely cloth napkins at dinner! They're more environmentally friendly than paper napkins, so you can congratulate yourself on going "green."

Of course, no one is suggesting we return to the days when Emily Post directed which uniform the Butler should be wearing for your luncheon, or how many forks are proper for an afternoon tea (http://www.bartleby.com/95/), but for heaven's sake! It's NOT too nice to use! Indulge yourself!
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